Elaine Betts
CEO, Go Far Consulting Professional Coaching | Training | Consulting Specialist | Contributing author to New York Times Best Seller Master of Sales
About this Expert
Elaine Betts is known as being the leader of leaders. One of the aspects that differentiate Elaine and GO FAR Consulting is her creation of the unique approach through the 4 M’s of tactical and innovative strategies, matching the client’s focus and needs. No matter what the goal, Elaine and the GO FAR Consulting team can develop the pathway specifically designed for professionals. Through her unique formula of the 4 M’s - Method, Management, Momentum & Money, Elaine shows professionals how to develop and build their business through customized coaching, leadership, time and stress management, strategic planning, networking, and collaboration, enabling them to build and grow their business and leveraging time.
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Businesses Collaborating During the Crisis
Businesses Collaborating During the Crisis